
 On the default where if  the prefix is not specified it needs to be
changed to look like this. Didn't feel like doing a diff. This is because
we need pople to be able to specify a prefix of "" your fix doesn't allow
for this I have changed my config.c function to look like such:

void GetDBParams(db_param_t * db_params)
        field_t port_string;
        field_t sock_string;
        if (GetConfigValue("host", "DBMAIL", db_params->host) < 0)
                trace(TRACE_FATAL, "%s,%s: error getting config!",
                      __FILE__, __func__);
        if (GetConfigValue("db", "DBMAIL", db_params->db) < 0)
                trace(TRACE_FATAL, "%s,%s: error getting config!",
                      __FILE__, __func__);
        if (GetConfigValue("user", "DBMAIL", db_params->user) < 0)
                trace(TRACE_FATAL, "%s,%s: error getting config!",
                      __FILE__, __func__);
        if (GetConfigValue("pass", "DBMAIL", db_params->pass) < 0)
                trace(TRACE_FATAL, "%s,%s: error getting config!",
                      __FILE__, __func__);
        if (GetConfigValue("sqlport", "DBMAIL", port_string) < 0)
                trace(TRACE_FATAL, "%s,%s: error getting config!",
                      __FILE__, __func__);
        if (GetConfigValue("sqlsocket", "DBMAIL", sock_string) < 0)
                trace(TRACE_FATAL, "%s,%s: error getting config!",
                      __FILE__, __func__);
        if (GetConfigValue("table_prefix", "DBMAIL", db_params->pfx) < 0){
                trace(TRACE_FATAL, "%s,%s: error getting config!",
                      __FILE__, __func__);
                if (strlen(db_params->pfx) == 0)
                        strncpy(db_params->pfx, DEFAULT_DBPFX, FIELDSIZE);

        /* check if port_string holds a value */
        if (strlen(port_string) != 0) {
                db_params->port =
                    (unsigned int) strtoul(port_string, NULL, 10);
                if (errno == EINVAL || errno == ERANGE)
                              "%s,%s: wrong value for sqlport in "
                              "config file", __FILE__, __func__);
        } else
                db_params->port = 0;

        /* same for sock_string */
        if (strlen(sock_string) != 0)
                strncpy(db_params->sock, sock_string, FIELDSIZE);
                db_params->sock[0] = '\0';


notice the DEFAULT_DBPFX is withing the case check for the item in the
config file.


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