> Finally: loop-detection (what you call ping-pong) should *never* be Subject 
> based. Use a special header like 'X-Dbmail-Autoreply: true' instead.

  I wonder if there is a standard/proper header for this - if not, then you'd
only be stopping autoreply loops between two dbmail systems, and would still
have the problem between dbmail and some other mail system with a similar
brain-dead autoreply.  I'd guess there should be something per-site in there,
or your auto-replies would never trigger an auto-reply from a remote site
(also running dbmail), and that you should actually copy many of the original
message headers into your auto-reply (strip out Received-by, Delivered-To,
and other similar stuff), so you don't loose the remote site's loop detection
header (be it dbmail or some other system).


Jesse Norell

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is not my email address;
change "administrator" to my first name.

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