Just a few features I currently wish for:

-Shared Quota (whole domain for ex.)
  A domain with 10 accounts can have 10MB quota,
  but that does not mean that each account should
  have 1MB each. Separate quota table?

-Option to select imap sorting offload
  -Let the database do the sort
  -Let the dbmail-imapd do the sort
  -Let the client do the sort
  This can be used to offload some stress from the
  database onto separate imap worker servers instead.
  (Essential to good imap scaling)

-Serverside filters
  The user specifies simple filters based on subject, header
  or to/from values and what imap/webmail folder they are to
  be delivered to. This would faciliate webmail filtering,
  and also be a whole lot more effective than doing it in the
  webmail code itself.
  (Attractive feature)


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