On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 11:31, Paul J Stevens wrote:
> Hans Kristian Rosbach wrote:
> > Just a few features I currently wish for:
> > 
> > -Shared Quota (whole domain for ex.)
> >   A domain with 10 accounts can have 10MB quota,
> >   but that does not mean that each account should
> >   have 1MB each. Separate quota table?
> >   (MUST HAVE)
> That's quite simple actually:
> add a dbmail_clients table, which contains
> create table dbmail_clients (
>   client_idnr bigint(21) not null,
>   client_maxmail bigint(21) not null,
>   client_curmail bigint(21) not null
> );
> add some calls in db.c to update the client_curmail field
> update dbmail_clients set client_curmail = (
>       select sum(curmail_size) from dbmail_users where client_idnr=(
>               select client_idnr from dbmail_users where user_idnr=1)
>       ) where client_idnr=(
>               select client_idnr from dbmail_users where user_idnr=1);
> and use that field to check before delivery.

So maybe we can expect this for 2.2 ?

> > -Option to select imap sorting offload
> >   -Let the database do the sort
> >   -Let the dbmail-imapd do the sort
> >   -Let the client do the sort
> >   This can be used to offload some stress from the
> >   database onto separate imap worker servers instead.
> >   (Essential to good imap scaling)
> Getting the database to do fast sorts by using the header tables is the first 
> step. Imo, good scalability is probably better served by proper a 
> db-clustering 
> solution rather than by offloading to dbmail-imapd or imap-clients. We'll 
> have 
> to cross that bridge when we get there.

Yes, db-clustering would be best but atm this is not a
feasible/possible option.

> > -Serverside filters
> >   The user specifies simple filters based on subject, header
> >   or to/from values and what imap/webmail folder they are to
> >   be delivered to. This would faciliate webmail filtering,
> >   and also be a whole lot more effective than doing it in the
> >   webmail code itself.
> >   (Attractive feature)
> Good question. I wonder whether Aaron will ever get around to finishing 
> libsieve 
> and dbmail's usage of it.
> On the other hand, once we have good sort/search support, client-side 
> filtering 
> will be faster by several orders of magnitude.

Well, yes..  But that will not benefit native webmail that will have to
check for new messages to sort every time a page with a listing is

Also thiswill generate a lot of update queries (no matter what client
type). And updates are the weak spot even on clustered solution.
(Even more so on a single server)


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