A BUGNOTE has been added to this bug.
Reported By:                hsn
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     201
Category:                   LMTP daemon
Reproducibility:            N/A
Severity:                   feature
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             07-May-05 19:31 CEST
Last Modified:              09-May-05 10:04 CEST
Summary:                    Unix socket support for lmtpd
Because lmtp runs mostly on the same host as smtpd, it can bind
to the unix socket which has much lower communication overhead
than tcp socket.


 aaron - 08-May-05 04:42 CEST 
Sure, but I haven't seen this available in the configuration of any SMTP
servers. Do correct me if I'm wrong, however!

 hsn - 08-May-05 17:36 CEST 
Exim v4 supports lmtp over unix socket.

 paul - 09-May-05 10:04 CEST 
Postfix also support lmtp over unix sockets.

Bug History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
07-May-05 19:31hsn            New Bug                                      
08-May-05 04:42aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000680                       
08-May-05 17:36hsn            Bugnote Added: 0000681                       
09-May-05 10:04paul           Bugnote Added: 0000685                       

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