A BUGNOTE has been added to this bug.
Reported By:                robertcl
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     217
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            random
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             09-Jun-05 10:00 CEST
Last Modified:              09-Jun-05 16:58 CEST
Summary:                    Uploading via IMAP can force IMAP daemon to loop
In an e-mail client (I have been using Apple Mail), select a number of mail
messages (20+) and drag them into an IMAP inbox or folder. The upload goes
slow and quite often, although not always, the IMAP daemon starts looping,
consuming all available CPU on the system, causing a denial of service
situation for most other users.

Uploading a single messages or a small number of messages typically goes

 sr - 09-Jun-05 16:58 CEST 
We recently migrated a customer's mail service from cyrus to dbmail 2.0.4

We added the new server and let the users move their mail from the old
mailbox to the new one. Some of them have 5-6 thousand messages and they
moved hundreds of them at a time with no problem whatsoever.

Of course I'm not denying you had a problem, but it might be something
related to your system

Bug History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
09-Jun-05 10:00robertcl       New Bug                                      
09-Jun-05 16:58sr             Bugnote Added: 0000732                       

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