Hello everybody !

I just installed DBMail v2.0.4 with mysql on Debian Sarge (package 
dbmail2-mysql w/innodb tables) [mysql 4.1.11 charset utf8_general_ci]. 

I am also using Squirrelmail 1.4.4.

I created a test account, copied 500 messages (by copy/paste from another IMap 
server [Courier-Imap] using Outlook Express).

I can successfully read, move, trash messages from Outlook Express AND from 
Squirrelmail. This is great ;)

I have a problem when I search a message, with a keyword to be found in the 
body of INBOX messages :

- with DBMail Administrator Web interface, the result is correct.

- with Squirrelmail, when I search into the body with the same mailbox and the 
same keyword, some messages are found (while they do not contain this keyword) 
and the *right* messages are not found !!!

Have you already seen this problem before and is there any way to solve the 
problem ? I searched google and forums but with no luck yet.

THANK you very much for your help !


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