
why reinvent the wheel here? Either use imap where access is restricted
to your client, or build a client that links directly to libdbmail.

Please take not that 2.1 development is under way, and the tables will
change a bit here and there as we add new features or improve
performance. Imap is very much the interface of choice until we manage
to make libdbmail a truly shareable library, and provide cross language
interfaces to the data storage.

Brandon Mercer wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> My name is Brandon and I'm working on a java web interface to your
> program.   :-)   You've done a great job of providing pop3 and imap4
> support for retrieving email, but my company has a need to eliminate
> that type of access.  I just wondered if you had any additional
> documentation on how to properly pull the information from the
> database.  I've currently been reading db.c and using the diagram of the
> tables found on your website.  If you could assist in any way I would
> greatly appreciate it.  Specifically I'm looking for a clean way to
> query the number of "unread" messages and display a summary of new
> versus unread, and the total quota used.  I began working on a C based
> CGI interface as well... they both raise the same questions.   :-)   You
> guys have done a great thing, thanks again.
> Brandon Mercer
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  Paul Stevens                                      paul at
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands________________________________

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