Igor Stroh wrote:

>Paul J Stevens wrote:
>>why reinvent the wheel here? Either use imap where access is restricted
>>to your client, or build a client that links directly to libdbmail.
>>Please take not that 2.1 development is under way, and the tables will
>>change a bit here and there as we add new features or improve
>>performance. Imap is very much the interface of choice until we manage
>>to make libdbmail a truly shareable library, and provide cross language
>>interfaces to the data storage.
>FWIW, IMAP sucks badly when it's used as a backend for large scaled
>webmailers, I chose DBMail because it offers the possibility to access
>mailboxes directly through SQL...
>Just my two cents :)
Thanks Igor, I am going to have to agree with you on that.  ODBC and
JDBC are much faster and easier to manage than IMAP.  Paul, I have to
ask where that library is and what it's current status is.  If I'm to be
building my application around your library and your library is
incomplete it doesn't do me much good.  Will this library accomidate
your changes in database layout from 2.0.x to 2.1.x?  Please let me
know, thanks

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