On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 17:35 +0100, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> Geo Carncross wrote:
> > I completely agree with this. There's just the problem of databases
> > being a moving target. Remember we talked about COUNT(*) not being
> > optimally implemented in Pg, but one day it could be, and at that point,
> > we should use COUNT(*) - even if it's slower on older database versions.
> That day is in the past :-) 8.1 release notes:
> Faster Aggregates: aggregate functions have been improved to make
> reporting queries even faster. The PostgreSQL developers both rewritten
> memory management for aggregates and added indexing optimizations for
> MIN() and MAX().


I mean, does it apply specifically to COUNT(*)? I checked the release
notes and I couldn't find mention of it...

> > As a side note: I've been working on minimime recently for doing a
> > single pass decoding of MIME message parts. It doesn't require we load
> > the whole message into memory for parsing (!)
> That leads to a question I ask myself for a while now: wouldn't it make
> sense to change the way messages are stored at the moment? If we would
> split MIME messages at the boundaries IMAP searches in the body could
> easily ignore all not readable (like Base64) parts.
> At the moment dbmail 2.1 isn't (much) faster than 2.0 here I guess?

With a mime message like this:


Perhaps a parts layout similar to this:

part,pre_boundary, content, encoding, post_boundary
'1', 'b1', 'text', 'us-ascii', NULL,
'2', 'b1', 'rfc822', NULL, NULL,
'2.1', 'b2', 'text', 'base64', 'b2',

It would allow quick access to a section, searching of only parts we
want (discovered at insert time), and make it pretty easy to reassemble
the message if anyone asks...

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