> Oleg, Paul and I have started seeing weird segfaults in the daemons.
> Possibly starting from about two weeks ago, although we're not totally
> sure.


As I said, problems begun with revision 1992
For me, revision 1991 works fine.
Revision 1993 has problem:

I run dbmail-imapd. In my kmail there are two accounts.
I check mail for 1st account - good
then, I check mail for 2nd account - and dbmail-imapd hangs
(check mail for two accounts at the same time)

I did some experiments, resilts:

I have sources tree with revisions 1991 and 1993
then, I copy files acinclude.m4 and configure.in from 1991 tree to 1993 tree
then, run (for 1993 tree):

autoreconf -f -i
configure --with-mysql --with-sieve
make install

and run daemons:

and they work!
So, I think, that problem in autotools...

And another thing.

timsieved give me error, when I try to change sieve-script with smartsieve 

tims(): incoming buffer: [PUTSCRIPT "main" {973+}]
tims(): command issued: cmd [PUTSCRIPT], val ["main" {973+}]
tims(): command looked up as commandtype 9
misc.c, find_bounded: Found [main] of length [4] between '"' and '"' so next 
skip [5]
misc.c, find_bounded: Found [973] of length [3] between '{' and '+' so next 
skip [6]
timsieve.c, tims: Client sending script of length [973]
db.c,db_check_sievescript_quota: updating 2 sievescript quota with 973
dbmysql.c,db_query: executing query [BEGIN]
dbmysql.c,db_query: executing query [SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbmail_sievescripts 
WHERE owner_idnr = 2 AND name = '@!temp-script!@']
dbmysql.c,db_get_result: result set is null
dbmysql.c,db_query: executing query [INSERT into dbmail_sievescripts 
(owner_idnr, name, script, active) values (2, '@!temp-script!@', 'require 
\"fileinto\";  ]
dbmysql.c,db_query: executing query [COMMIT]
sortsieve.c, sort_getscript: Getting default script named [EMAIL PROTECTED]@]
dbmysql.c,db_query: executing query [SELECT script from dbmail_sievescripts 
where owner_idnr = '2' and name = '@!temp-script!@']
Error 12 when calling sieve2_validate: Sieve Error: script was not retrieved
timsieve.c, tims: Error inserting script
dbmysql.c,db_query: executing query [DELETE from dbmail_sievescripts where 
owner_idnr = 2 and name = '@!temp-script!@']
tims(): incoming buffer: [LOGOUT]

I comment lines 625 and 680 (db_free_result(); in both) in db.c, then
make && make install
and timsieved begin to update scripts.

b_free_result(); before db_get_result_int(0,0) - I think, this is incorrect

PS. Aaron. sorry, but I didn't do my tests with libsieve from cvs.
But now I run dbmail-revision-1993 and libsieve from cvs

As I notice at this moment:
mail from: <>
mail from: <test>
don't work:

sortsieve.c, sort_getheader: Getting header [From] returning value [(null)]
sortsieve.c, sort_getheader: Getting header [From] returning value [(null)]
serverchild.c,active_child_sig_handler: got signal [Segmentation fault]
serverchild.c,active_child_sig_handler: cannot ignore this. Terminating

(may be I have not latest version)

Now I go to sleep :) Will see at evening how dbmail work.

Oleg Lapshin

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