Geo Carncross wrote:
>>But I guess Geo want's to be able to both fork and stay attached,
>>something currently not accomodated. Would be rather trivial though.
> No I don't. That's not what I want at all. I simply want to move dbmail
> into category #1 instead of category #2 so that people will _stop_
> making programs that run in #3 or #4.

>From my point of view this is the age-old policy versus mechanism
debate. As maintainer I don't much care other than not wanting to
present the current userbase with unexpected behaviour by changing the
default. I do care about helping my users (like yourself) with providing
the mechanisms to implement whatever policy they prefer.

> I really need to work on my communication skills, don't I? :)

Is that your S.O. talking ?...

So I suggest we implement 3 runmodes:

  use-case: init.d scripts
  double fork, detach, prefork workers

  use-case: inittab
  stay attached, prefork workers

  use-case: (x)inetd, ssh-tunnel
  stay attached, single process worker only.

Since we already support 1 and 3, adding 2 would make this picture
complete. We could then also allow selection of the default through
configure (compile-time) or dbmail.conf (runtime), or both.

Would that make you happy?

  Paul Stevens                                      paul at
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands________________________________

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