On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 17:56 -0700, Aaron Stone wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 14:05 +0200, Paul J Stevens wrote:
> > Fixed in trunk. Plz test.
> A foreign key constraint cannot reference a myisam table.
>     ALTER TABLE dbmail_physmessage ENGINE=InnoDB;
> fixed it for me. We should put this into the migration script.

Also, I recommend that these messages:

Jun 16 18:32:04 [dbmail/maintenance] Warning
dbmail-message.c,dbmail_message_cache_subjectfield: no subject field
value [300949]

be at TRACE_MESSAGE so that they are not displayed by default. I bet
it's mostly malformed spam that's causing those. Not really an Error or
Warning at all!


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