
> That's it. From the RFC (section 6.4.8 UID Command):
>       The interpretation of the arguments is
>       the same as with SEARCH; however, the numbers returned in a SEARCH
>       response for a UID SEARCH command are unique identifiers instead
>       of message sequence numbers.
> > a02 search uid 200
> > * SEARCH 8 10 43 47 53 55 60
> that's just plain wrong. The message sequence number for uid 200 should
> be returned here.
> > a02 OK SEARCH completed
> > a03 uid search uid 200
> > * SEARCH 8 10 43 47 53 55 60
> this should return the uid number for uid 200, being 200.

Are there any news about problem with roundcube?

Oleg Lapshin

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