Although single-connection times are higher, I wonder how it scales --
that is, does Cyrus with 1000 simultaneous connections still deliver the
same numbers? Does DBMail? How much worse do the times get? What about
with 10,000 connections?

I've been meaning to set up a testbed with Mozilla's Mstone:
but I've been busy :-[

I would be excited to discover that at 1,000 or 5,000 or 10,000
connections, DBMail performed better than Cyrus. Maybe, maybe not :-P

The more performance data we have, the more we'll be able to improve :-)

On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 08:34 +0200, Lars Kneschke wrote:

> I know that i'm comparing apples with pears! :-)
> Something about our old cyrus based system.
> Everything  is on one single server. That makes to solution really
> fast. I did some test with following results:
> And now something about our DBMail setup. 
> We have multiple IMAP fronservers and and a bigsized MySQL database.
> As the IMAP server needs to talk with the MySQL database over the
> network, we will have some delay added anyways.

By comparison, setting up a large Cyrus cluster is Murder! :-P
Well, an NFS mounted mailstore is more comparable. We'll do something
like Murder in the 2.3 series (see the wiki for the clustering ideas).


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