The issue 0000469 has been set as DUPLICATE OF the following issue. 
Reported By:                fehuq
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   462
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             29-Nov-06 15:13 CET
Last Modified:              06-Dec-06 12:41 CET
Summary:                    imap daemon appears to leak memory on FETCH command
I delivered several thousand messages to an account on a test server, and
set up an IMAP account in Thunderbird to access it. Thunderbird ran its
junkmail controls on the folder, which issues a FETCH command for each
message. I noticed later that the dbmail-imapd child process handling my
connection had used almost all of the system's free memory and swap. 

As best as I can tell, the process usually doesn't free memory used after
a message is fetched. I'm attaching a text file containing top's output of
the process at 3 second intervals. The memory usage does drop a bit in some
of the intervals, but overall it gets large fairly fast. 

Killing, or having dbmail restart the child process after 1 connection
does successfully free the memory, though. The pop server does not show
the same behavior.
Relationships       ID      Summary
has duplicate       0000469 dbmail-imapd fetches all available memory

 fehuq - 29-Nov-06 15:24  
I should have added about the top output that it's just a small sample,
over the course of about a minute and a half of a new process as I fetch
all the messages. It's not meant to show a process using all system

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
29-Nov-06 15:13 fehuq          New Issue                                    
29-Nov-06 15:13 fehuq          File Added: top_3sec_interval.txt                
29-Nov-06 15:24 fehuq          Note Added: 0001633                          
06-Dec-06 12:41 fehuq          File Added: dbmail-imap-fetches.txt              
09-Dec-06 05:51 aaron          Relationship added       has duplicate 0000469

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