A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                fehuq
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   462
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             29-Nov-06 15:13 CET
Last Modified:              09-Dec-06 08:45 CET
Summary:                    imap daemon appears to leak memory on FETCH command
I delivered several thousand messages to an account on a test server, and
set up an IMAP account in Thunderbird to access it. Thunderbird ran its
junkmail controls on the folder, which issues a FETCH command for each
message. I noticed later that the dbmail-imapd child process handling my
connection had used almost all of the system's free memory and swap. 

As best as I can tell, the process usually doesn't free memory used after
a message is fetched. I'm attaching a text file containing top's output of
the process at 3 second intervals. The memory usage does drop a bit in some
of the intervals, but overall it gets large fairly fast. 

Killing, or having dbmail restart the child process after 1 connection
does successfully free the memory, though. The pop server does not show
the same behavior.
Relationships       ID      Summary
has duplicate       0000469 dbmail-imapd fetches all available memory

 fehuq - 29-Nov-06 15:24  
I should have added about the top output that it's just a small sample,
over the course of about a minute and a half of a new process as I fetch
all the messages. It's not meant to show a process using all system

 aaron - 09-Dec-06 06:09  
Using the fetches you've shown and running through 'valgrind dbmail-imapd
-n' and typing them in by hand, against my testing database, I found no
active leaks.

Maybe the leaks depend upon the messages themselves? (*ugh*) 

 Valen - 09-Dec-06 08:45  
I have a system that exhibits this symptom, I don't have the skill to run
the test but dbmail can be built on the system (and has been in the past)
if an admin wants to login and check it out let me know. 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
29-Nov-06 15:13 fehuq          New Issue                                    
29-Nov-06 15:13 fehuq          File Added: top_3sec_interval.txt                
29-Nov-06 15:24 fehuq          Note Added: 0001633                          
06-Dec-06 12:41 fehuq          File Added: dbmail-imap-fetches.txt              
09-Dec-06 05:51 aaron          Relationship added       has duplicate 0000469
09-Dec-06 06:09 aaron          Note Added: 0001661                          
09-Dec-06 08:45 Valen          Note Added: 0001662                          

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