On Thu, May 17, 2007, Peter Rabbitson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Um... maybe we are going separate ways here as far as the impact of this
> issue is concerned. Initially (several weeks ago in dbmail-users) I
> complained that when syncing large mailboxes the 'target' imapd process
> will get extremely fat (breaking the 2G limit if left unchecked), but
> what's worse it will stay that way even after the imap client has closed
> the connection (I called it "leak"). So the next connections will keep
> growing the thing, all the way until the child dies or is killed by OOM.
> Another person confirmed that when moving many mails from one box to
> another he experiences the same "leaks" (I am not sure anymore if the
> term is right)

There are really two problems here:

 o During the course of a single imap session, the server must
   clean up after every major imap operation. A client who remains
   connected for a few hours and does some heavy imap must not
   kill the server.

 o After a client disconnects, the server must really really free
   all of the memory that it allocated. The likelihood of one process
   handling back-to-back major imap sessions is not high. We don't want
   each process growing to 100MB of 'hey i might need this' memory
   when really most sessions are just a crapload of 'noop's to get
   status updates.

> So the problem I am having (and for which I filed the bug) is that if I
> deploy dbmail as it is now, and even if I somehow manage to import the
> emails, my average mailbox size of 2000 messages will bring the server
> to its knees.

Current SVN should have all of the necessary fixes in place to survive
this. We may or may not do a 2.2.5rc3 release. Probably a good idea,

> Let me know if you guys are planning to pursue this issue further. In
> either case - thanks for the time so far!

Thanks for being extremely helpful with testing. We cannot commit to
making the next release perfect, but we can definitely try to make sure
that all major issus are resolved.

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