On Mittwoch 14 Oktober 2009 Jorge Bastos wrote:
> Now I understand 100% why many many domains doesn't have an A record
> on the root domain, lazy people!
> They just want to create a CNAME on the WWW alias and done.
> I get mad with that!!!!!!!
> A domain is: domain.com, and not www.domain.com, ok the WWW alias
> became very used over the years and there's nothing I can do to make
> users change on their behavior, to use domain.com instead of
> www.domain.com, they even do when I as:
> Me: "go to the browser and type manual.domain.com"
> User: "doesn't work"
> Me: "what did you typed?"
> User: "www.manual.domain.com"
> Me: "grrrrrrr I SAID manual.domain.com, NOT www.manual.domain.com"

I feel with you :-)

I hate that too, I always just type domain.com into the browser, and I'm 
upset when they don't support that. And the users "auto-www" typing 
makes me mad too. But that's live ;-)

PS: we are a small ISP, and *always* configure domain.com also. :-)

mfg zmi
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