I've updated db schema, thanks for the tip.

It seams like dbmail doesn't insert empty string. There is no such string in 
dbmail_headervalue table after passing sort-subject test (all other values are 
there). So COALESCE workaround may be of some help here.

I guess I figured out why sorting fails for "_". It's a locale-specific issue, 
and when I exported LC_ALL=C sort output was like this:
a a

Unfortunately it's not possible to change existing PostgreSQL db's locale, it 
can be set only while creating db (initdb --locale=C).
But whether C-locale is required or not is not clear. RFC says: "the SORT and 
   extensions MUST collate strings according to the i;unicode-casemap
   collation described in [ UNICASEMAP ]."

Понедельник,  5 августа 2013, 13:11 +02:00 от Paul J Stevens <p...@nfg.nl>:
>On 08/05/2013 12:11 PM, . . wrote:
>> In the latest version sorting order is changed to "sortfield", but table
>> (view) is left the same: "subjectfield".
>> Probably it should be changed to "sortfield" too.
>No the view was not left unchanged.
>If you did a full configure/make/make install, dbmail will automatically
>run any necessary schema migrations.
>You can tell be looking at the tables. You should have a
>dbmail_upgrade_steps table, and the dbmail_subjectfield view now also
>contains a sortfield field.
>> Also according RFC 5256: "If the associated RFC-822
>> < http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822 > header for a particular criterion is
>> absent, it is treated as the empty string. The empty string always
>> collates before non-empty strings."
>Correct. That is why the sort-subject tests still fail.
>> But with PostgreSQL as backend db dbmail puts NULL strings always at the
>> end of the resulting set.
>> To fix this we may apply COALESCE function on sortfield:
>>     _append_sort(value->order, "COALESCE(sortfield, '')", reverse);
>That is one way to do it, but DBMail should always insert an empty
>string for messages that don't have a subject header.
>> It helps to pass imaptest's sort-subject test a bit further.
>> The only issue left is that PostgreSQL puts header string "_" before all
>> other non empty strings, whereas imaptest puts it at the end after all
>> headers in test.
>> I haven't found out how to fix this yet (maybe it's imaptest's issue).
>It looks like imaptest is at fault here. Doing a simple test with
>sort(1) confirms postgresql's behavior.
>$~> cat > /tmp/test.txt << EOF
> a
>a a
>$~> cat /tmp/test.txt|sort -f
> a
>a a
>But maybe such characters have to be treated differently for some reason.
>Paul J Stevens        pjstevns @ gmail, twitter, skype, linkedin
>  * Premium Hosting Services and Web Application Consultancy *
>            www.nfg.nl/i...@nfg.nl/+31.85.877.99.97

. .
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