On 08/05/2013 05:41 PM, . . wrote:
> Same code with version for MySQL:

Thanks for that.

Can you please:

- try to provide git patches or a pull request on github?
- stop sending messages to my private address?

(I never reply to DM concerning dbmail unless it concerns sensitive
information, or you're a paying client)

About sorting collation:

I'm kind of reluctant to enforce collation on subject sort. I will
surprise users that know what collation their database is supposed to
use, only to find out we override that - and only in one particular

Personally I don't care if we 'break' RFC in this respect, especially
since I'm not sure forcing a latin1 collation won't break sorting in
subtle cases not covered by imaptest. As long as sorting is consistent
and predictable, that is.

But if you can provide a patch that covers all three main database
backends - sorry oracle - I'm happy to merge it. We can always revert it
if it causes more problems than it solves :-)

Paul J Stevens        pjstevns @ gmail, twitter, skype, linkedin

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