Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'm a sys admin for a small/medium-sized ISP. I found dbmail while looking
for an alternative to our current mail software (sendmail for MTA, cucipop
for POP3, UW-IMAP for the rare IMAP customer...I think all of two people use
IMAP, and I'm one of them). I have a few concerns prior to recommending to
the senior admin and the owner that we switch to dbmail, and I'm hoping that
some of you with experience with it can give me some solid facts both to
assuage my fears and to pass along to my superiors. Sorry if some of these
are RTFM sort of questions...

* Biggest concern: how well does it support virtual domains, as well as the
same username across domains? We host several hundred domains, and this is
critical. How will users be required to enter their username in their mail
client? Can it work with simply the username, or will they have to enter
their full e-mail address?
* Does dbmail play nicely with FreeBSD? How about with MySQL 4.0.3?
* Can mbox-style mailboxes be converted reliably?
* How does dbmail compare to Courier or qmail on ease of
installation/migration/administration? Conventional wisdom and peer pressure
is pointing us toward qmail, but it looks like it has a steep learning
* I see a lot of posts complaining about IMAP/POP speed issues. Are those
common, or just greasy wheels getting attention? Are the issues more common
on certain platforms?

Thanks in advance for any info you can provide.

Mike Jackson
Willamette.Net Tech Support
Eugene, OR, USA

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