No problems with speed on my side either; I am running a version from CVS some time ago, your mileage may vary. I also only support POP, am writing a simple web client - no IMAP, no folder management - just read, reply, forward, send and delete. For my purposes I have no need nor desire to provide long term storage and folder management on the server - I really want users to suck things down and clear mail out.

Running FreeBSD 4.5. Some minor issues with the installation - FreeBSD .h header file layout is just a little different than Linux, but nothing hard to overcome.

I'm curious why you are even thinking of switching. My dbmail install was for a new project, no legacy and no preferences to deal with - I just liked the concept.

Probably the only issue there is with dbmail is that some features you may need may require you to roll your own. (thinking of integrating user account management with whatever admin interfaces you may have; interfaces with spam tools & preferences, etc) Of course, some prefer that...


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