Means.. Mi postfix recives messages, dbmail store in the database, but I
Can't read by imapd or pop3d.

I don't get any error or something, postfix get the email.. but, i can't
read them..

If i look in the database, i can see the headers of the emails, i can see
the the folder for my user..

If I connect trought imapd, i open the folers, but are without messages.

I re-install, and the same problem.

If I turn the transport of my postfix to local: the system run ok, but
changing back to dbmail, I don't see any email.

Is possible a mistake I made when I build the dbmail?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip Warner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Dbmail] New on dbmail

> At 02:19 AM 8/12/2002 -0300, A C Mirand wrote:
> >I can't read the emails by imap or pop3d
> So what did this actually mean? Do you have error messages from a client
> running on local host?
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