In some email I received from "Matthew T. O'Connor" <> on 03 
Jul 2003
10:25:02 -0400, wrote:

> > >
> > 
> > Should this not be part of the messages table ?
> Well some people were saying that there is an advantage to being able to
> get to the message headers independent of the message body.  Also the
> current scheme of putting the headers in the first chunk of the 
> message_blks table has the possible problem of having more headers than
> fit in a chunk.  Putting them into their own table solves these
> problems.

cant you simply create a column name message_headers? why do you need to create
a new table? 

> > >message_body: contains the remainder of the message, could be broken up
> > >like the current message_blks table or not, I would prefer not, but I
> > >don't know if mysql is up to it.
> >
> > The message contents and headers should be stored in a binary type 
> > rather than a text type so encoding does not become an issue.
> How does this work now?  Does DBmail have problems with some non 7bit
> languages?  I have use english.

encode it, if you want you can even compress it, 
gz_mess = gz_message(message)
uu_mess = _uu_message(gz_mess)

but that will be a hit on the performance.. 
(though this pseudo code might not be worth trying it even.)


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