
I'm pretty sure that's not it. In the course of testing, I've opened
and closed Thunderbird dozens of times, re-created the account a
handful of times, and even deleted the entire Thunderbird settings
directory (it's not my regular MUA, so I can thrash it with a certain
amount of abandon). All through this, I've had no luck scanning for
subscribe-able folders. I can't tell from the logs what Kmail (for
example) is doing and Thunderbird isn't. If I have some more time
today, I'll bash my head on this some more.


 On 05/07/06, M. J. [Mike] OBrien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I saw that once and thought it had to do with how T-Bird is storing/caching
its data because in order for things to work correctly I had to close and
then reopen the application.


----- Original Message -----
From: "jurgen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "DBMail mailinglist" <dbmail@dbmail.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 1:03 AM
Subject: [Dbmail] Thunderbird can't see #Public, other MUAs can

> Hi all,
> I've seen a few messages about this on the list, but nothing really
> that resolves the issue.
> Using DBMA, I made a couple of shared folders, and they don't show up
> as anything I can subscribe to in Thunderbird. Webmail clients and
> Kmail see them just fine, but not Thunderbird. When I list ACLs in
> DBMA, I get both of them, listed as user "anyone", and DBMA prefixes
> the name with #Public automatically. They both also have lookup = 1 in
> the table. So they should be showing up. Something about Thunderbird
> is preventing these from being seen.
> I changed the "IMAP server directory" in Thunderbird to #Public, which
> made the shared folders appear, but also caused all the folders under
> INBOX (Read mail, etc) to disappear. So that's not too good either. I
> managed to terminally confuse Thunderbird by doing that too, and had
> to eventually delete the account and start over.
> I've successfully subscribed to public mailboxes from inside Kmail,
> and they show up in Thunderbird, but that's a pain in the butt to have
> to do every time. Any ideas why Thunderbird appears to dislike DBMail?
> DBMail: SVN 2191
> DBMA: 2.4.9
> MySQL: 4.1.20
> Thunderbird: version (20060530) (MacOS X and Windows XP)
> Thanks
> .......jurgen
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is jurgen's gmail address.
> Visit http://jurgen.ca/ for more yummy goodness.
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] is jurgen's gmail address.
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