Naz Gassiep wrote:

> I've been thinking this over. I don't think I'm going to go the route of
> making my own modifications to make this happen, as when it does get
> implemented properly, I would then have to either migrate my existing
> data or maintain repositories in both systems. Given that there is no
> urgency for us to get this working in the immediate future, I think I
> will opt to wait for the DBMail team to implement mailbox retention.
> Is there any way I could get an indication of when this would be
> implemented? Is it going to be in 2.4.x or is it on the "to-do at some
> indefinite point in the future" timeframe? Were I a C coder I would
> definitely help out, but I'm a rank newbie who can only do PHP so I
> regret that I am only able to watch and wait.

It's on the target list for 2.4 alright. As to a timeframe however - I
wish I could be specific there. I've got my hands full at the moment
rewriting the server core and sql layers: event-driven, threaded
database connection pools, prepared statements, etc. Most of the work
has been done already. What remains is making more imap commands
non-blocking (by delegating them to worker threads), but a nice pattern
is already emerging that can be expanded to the rest of the codebase.
But since the native sql layer has been replaced by libzdb, any bugs in
libzdb that are exposed by dbmail will have to be fixed by the libzdb
people. They have been very good at that, so I'm not worried. But it
also means I have to wait with releasing 2.3.3 (the first release with
libevent, libzdb and threading) until all supported backends pass the
tests. At this moment only the postgres driver is bug-free, but the bugs
remaining in the mysql and sqlite drivers are very minor.

Once the server-core stabilizes we will have a much better architecture
for dealing with scalability issues. That will also free my hands to
deal with the other main todos for 2.4:

- native SSL/TLS support (John Guthrie has done the groundwork there
- archive mode (this is what you want)

Since I'm doing this on my own, don't expect a final 2.4 release before
october, unless a sponsorship deal comes along...

  Paul Stevens                                      paul at
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands________________________________
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