The hardcoded ceiling was aimed at avoiding overloading the database
server. You can change the value and recompile if you like.

It does make me curious what hardware are you on anyway?

Wish I had a good load tester for pop3...

Michael Monnerie wrote:
> On Dienstag 16 Juni 2009 Jon Duggan wrote:
>> MAX_CHILDREN limit of 300 in pop3
> Are you sure your box has enough RAM to keep 300 pop3 daemons around, 
> plus the memory they need during I/O? Maybe it'd be better to install a 
> 2nd box? If your machine is already swapping, more processes with 
> actually lower your throughput.
> If the average pop3 user can receive with 100KB/s, your machine would 
> need 30.000 KB/s (about 30Mb/s) Internet connection, and of course your 
> database (same server? or another?) needs to be fast enough also. Sure 
> you don't hit an I/O limit somewhere?
> Not want to offend, just help. But I don't know for the 300 limit in the 
> code.
> mfg zmi

  Paul Stevens                                      paul at
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
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