Jon Duggan wrote:

> Our pop3 box is a quad xeon with 4gb of ram, the DB backend is a dual
> quad xeon with 16gb of ram using mysql.

what type of disks are you using? sas?

> Which leads me to another question.  It seems for good reason that
> people running larger setups are preferring postgres, is there anyone
> out there running over 6k users (mixed pop3/imap) on a mysql setup?

I don't have that kind of load on any of my installations. Postgres
users have their own problems. Postgres doesn't handle many client
connections as well as mysql (afaik). Also, client connection startup is
(or at least was) much more expensive for postgres. In fact, that was
one of my main reasons for adapting connection pooling in 2.3.

> What sort of numbers can we expect from this combination of hardware.
> We're already planning to scale the setup with a separated backend
> for new users and perdition to map the pop3/imap services so we're
> not worried about scaling, but i'd be interested to hear of people
> running higher than 6k users in mysql and what hardware theyre using.

I think Mike O'Brian is/was running that sort of numbers and more, but I
haven't seen him around here for some time.

  Paul Stevens                                      paul at
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