Daniel Mejia wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a VERY HUGE problem.. I have accidentally deleted a user with the
> command
> # dbmail-users -d x...@xxx.xxx
> Is there any way to restore the user back with all his emails? Please help,
> I am in big trouble if this is an irreversible action! 


dbmail-users -d username basically doesn't do anything but DELETE FROM 
dbmail_users where userid='username', but because of the ways the tables 
are setup, this will trigger several cascades.

The main ones that will interest you are:

dbmail_users -> dbmail_mailboxes -> dbmail_messages.

Until you run dbmail-util, the actual messages will still be there: in 
dbmail_physmessages and dbmail_messageblks. So do *not* run dbmail-util 
until you resolve this. And backup you data!

It should be possible to reconnect all unconnected physmessages to a new 
  messages and reconnect those to a new mailbox.

create a new user that will contain the rescued messages.
  - insert into dbmail_users (userid,passwd) values 

find the user_idnr:
  - select user_idnr from dbmail_users where userid='newusername';
this will give you $newuser_idnr

create a mailbox for this user:
  - insert into dbmail_mailboxes (owner_idnr, name, seen_flag, 
answered_flag, deleted_flag, flagged_flag, recent_flag, draft_flag) 
values ($newuser_idnr, 'INBOX', 1,1,1,1,1,1);

find the mailbox_idnr for this mailbox:

  - select mailbox_idnr from dbmail_mailboxes where 
owner_idnr=$newuser_idnr and name='INBOX';
this will give you $newuser_inbox_idnr;

Ok, now the real work:

find all unconnected physmessages that may have belonged to the deleted 

- select id from dbmail_physmessage p left join dbmail_messages m on 
p.id=m.physmessage_id where m.physmessage_id is null;

- for each physmessage.id found thus create a new message:

     - insert into dbmail_messages (mailbox_idnr, physmessage_id)
        values ($newuser_inbox_idnr, $physmessage_id)

After this you should be able to login to dbmail-imap with the newuser's 
  id and password and see the messages.

But like I said, this will *only* work if you haven't run dbmail-util 
since the accidental deletion.

> Thanx a million to all for your help!!
> Sincerely,
> Daniel

   Paul Stevens                                      paul at nfg.nl
   NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
   The Netherlands________________________________http://www.nfg.nl
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