On 10/16/2010 12:04 AM, Gordan Bobic wrote:
> I'm trying to get this to work using OpenLDAP 2.4 (RHEL6), and according 
> to this:
> http://www.dbmail.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/stunnel
> It should work based on what is in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf without 
> having to fall back on stunnel if I omit the URL and HOSTNAME parameters 
> in dbmail.conf's [LDAP] section.
> Unfortunately - that doesn't seem to work for me. I get this in the logs:

Try specifying the URL ldaps://  in dbmail.conf:

URI ldaps://ldap.mydomain.com

dbmail doesn't look at the default ldap.conf - wherever that may reside.

> Oct 15 22:57:52 dbmail1 dbmail/imap4d[31153]: Error:[auth] 
> authldap.c,auth_ldap_bind(+134): ldap_bind_s failed: Can't contact LDAP 
> server
> Oct 15 22:57:52 dbmail1 dbmail/imap4d[31153]: Error:[serverchild] 
> serverchild.c,PerformChildTask(+298): could not connect to authentication
> Any ideas how I could debug this further? If I specify the LDAP settings 
> in /etc/dbmail.conf without SSL, everything works fine. I would prefer 
> to not use stunnel if I can help it.
> Gordan
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