
hey Harald don't be so negative, a second implementation for fetching mails would be really cool.

I personally would not reconstruct the messages by my own, as Harald says, but I would fetch directory and message headers directly from db and message per Imap.

Maybe moving mails from one folder to another would also be faster then with imap.

If you need help I would like to help you.



Am .02.2015, 15:29 Uhr, schrieb Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net>:

Am 09.02.2015 um 15:22 schrieb Andrea Brancatelli:
The problem is that way faster than passin trough IMAP and probably much

it is for sure not stabler - don't get me wrong but have no clue how
complex reconstruction of a raw message ends in case of wrapped messages
and you have *completly* to re-invent the wheel by use gmime and work
around all the sepcial cases - i wish you luck with that but don't
expect it to be more stable or even survive schema changes of future





Il 09/02/15 10:16, Reindl Harald ha scritto:

Am 09.02.2015 um 10:07 schrieb Andrea Brancatelli:
We're working on the implementation of a roundcube "storage" module to
interact directly with dbmail DB instead of using the IMAP functions.

As of now we can already fetch the boxes, the headers and the message.

It's very rough right now but it's starting to shape up... it's still
far for usable, but I was wondering if anyone's interested and maybe
willing to collaborate.

just don't do that

there where fixed a ton of reconstruction problems in the past 2 years
in dbmail which you all have to re-implement and if someone would have
implemented something similar before dbmail-3.0 he never could have
upgraded or start from scratch due the scheme change

in short: what you are doing is completly unsupported

Harald Leithner

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