Agree completely -- which is why I sent a base file which had the  
conditional probabilities, the mapping, and the values to be able to  
compute marginals.
About the URIs, I should have added in my email that because freebase  
types are not URIs, and have types such as /people/person, we added a  
base URI: to the types.  Sorry I missed  
mentioning that...

On Aug 10, 2009, at 4:42 PM, Tim Finin wrote:

> Kavitha Srinivas wrote:
>> I understand what you are saying -- but some of this reflects the  
>> way types are associated with freebase instances.  The types are  
>> more like 'tags' in the sense that there is no hierarchy, but each  
>> instance is annotated with multiple types.  So an artist would in  
>> fact be annotated with person reliably (and probably less  
>> consistently with /music/artist).  Similar issues with Uyhurs,  
>> murdered children etc.  The issue is differences in modeling  
>> granularity as well.  Perhaps a better thing to look at are types  
>> where the YAGO types map to Wordnet (this is usually at a coarser  
>> level of granularity).
> One way to approach this problem is to use a framework to mix logical
> constraints with probabilistic ones.  My colleague Yun Peng has been
> exploring integrating data backed by OWL ontologies with Bayesian  
> information,
> with applications for ontology mapping.  See [1] for recent papers  
> on this
> as well as a recent PhD thesis [2] that I think also may be relevant.
> [1] 
> 613a353a7b693a303b643a37383b693a313b643a303b693a323b733a303a22223b693a 
> 333b733a303a22223b693a343b643a303b7d/
> [2] 
> Generation-and-Reasoning-in-OWL

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