On Thu, 26 May 2011 22:09:02 +0200, Kingsley Idehen
<kide...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
> On 5/26/11 3:36 PM, baran_H wrote:
>> LIMIT doesn't simply the Distinct computation. It simply limits the
>> resultset size.

Dear K. Idehen,
i see above baran_H wrote, but i never wrote such a comment, it has
nothing to do with my previous posting, also your reply below is
for me not a reply to my posting, in my posting i wrote an algorithm,
where you can see that for LIMIT 1 DISTINCT should NEVER REQUIRE
computation time as you mentioned in your previous posting to
the question

> Without 'distinct' it does work:
> select ?property where {
>      ?s ?property ?o.
> } limit 1
> Why might this be?

with: 'Because Distinct requires more work.'

If it is 'really' so, than I cannot accept such a brutally
irrational thing whatever someone argues instead of saying:
'We will correct it.'

Dear K. Idehen, please see my previous posting with my algorithm
IF you want to answer my posting directly with correct citing, if
not, it doesn't matter, it is not very unusual in this list to have
a not answered posting...

Thanks, Baran.
> LIMIT doesn't *simplify* the Distinct computation per se.. It simply  
> limits the
> resultset size of the query.
> Virtuoso is a Quad Store, so you have duplicate data across Named  
> Graphs. This is part of the evaluation cost. If you scope your query to  
> a specific Named Graph it has less to evaluate.  Ultimately there's  
> always overhead. Even in the case of DBpedia, we do have some linksets  
> placed in their own Named Graphs i.e, distinct from the Graph IRI:  
> http://dbpedia.org .

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