Hi Venkatesh,

On 10/15/2012 10:31 AM, Venkatesh Channal wrote:
> Hi Mohamed,
> Thank you for pointing to the mapping link and the html parsers.
> Everytime I try to test the mapping by clicking on the link - 
> http://mappings.dbpedia.org/server/mappings/en/extractionSamples/Mapping_en:Infobox_song
> I get error with message - "Service Temporarily Unavailable
> The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to 
> maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later."

I'm not quite sure about the cause of that problem, but as far as I know 
is that a few days ago there was a plan to move the mappings wiki to a 
new faster server.

By the way, this mappings wiki is open for contribution, so you can 
contribute to it and add/revise more mappings in order to make it better.
You should only ask for write access to that wiki to be able to do that.

> Has the link changed? Is there a timeframe during the link can be tested?
> Thanks and regards,
> Venkatesh

Kind Regards
Mohamed Morsey
Department of Computer Science
University of Leipzig

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