Hi Daniel,

On 01/28/2013 09:15 PM, Daniel Naber wrote:

I'd like to find all persons born in a given city. At
http://de.dbpedia.org/page/G%C3%BCtersloh I see about 96 persons. When I
query with Sparql, I only get 11. The query I use is this:

The information of that resource is acquired from the German DBpedia [1].

select ?person where {?person <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/birthPlace>

The endpoint I use is http://dbpedia.org/sparql. How can I get all the
results that are shown on the web page?

So, simply to get the required information you should ask the following SPARQL query against the SPARQL endpoint of the German DBpedia[2]:

   SELECT ?person WHERE {?person dbpedia-owl:birthPlace


[1] http://de.dbpedia.org/
[2] http://de.dbpedia.org/sparql

Kind Regards
Mohamed Morsey
Department of Computer Science
University of Leipzig

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