Thanks Morsey. Would love to see this problem with the Infobox:Film mapping 
getting fixed. I am just getting started with using dbpedia. May be I can try 
contributing here later, if it doesn't get picked up by anyone.

Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 09:39:13 +0100
Subject: Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] dbpedia ontology properties not getting 
extracted reliably from en Infobox : Film template

    Hi Arun,


      On 02/23/2013 06:39 AM, Arun Chippada wrote:


      It seems like important dbpedia ontology properties, such as
        starring, director, budget etc (generated from the mapping of en
        Infobox : Film) are not always present for several english
        films, although the corresponding wikipedia pages do have these
        properties and are using the Infobox : Film template. 

      For example, consider the following english wikipedia page
        (which is using the Infobox :
          Film template)

      The dbpedia ntriples for the
          above page does not have the <>

      This wikipedia page for Blade Runner is also one of the test
        pages at the following url -
        The test results generated on this page also do not have the 
          properties for this film.

      The starring property is indeed present in the Infobox on the
        wikipedia page for this film 

      However, the same dbpedia ontology property for starring does
        get extracted for some other films such as "Army
          of Darkness"

      I saw several cases of the above behavior of dbpedia ontology
        properties (starring, director, musicComposer, budget etc)
        missing for some films, while being present for some other
        films. However, in each case where the properties were missing
        in the dbpedia data set, the same properties were present on the
        corresponding wikipedia page.

      Is there a reason why the dbpedia ontology properties do not
        seem to be getting extracted for some films, while the same
        properties are getting extracted for some other films?

    Please have a look on that thread [1].






Kind Regards
Mohamed Morsey
Department of Computer Science
University of Leipzig                                     
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