Hi Gaurav,

On 02/25/2013 02:11 PM, gaurav pant wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have local sesame repository. I want to update this database 
> repeatedly by syncing DBpedia provided live dumps.I am trying to write 
> a program using open-sesame Java API.
> If we check the live dump , suppose for today 
> (http://live.dbpedia.org/liveupdates/2013/02/25/12/) , than we will 
> find that there are multiple added/removed files available for the 
> same timestamps.Like 25-Feb-2013 12:00 timestamps there are around 16 
> files.So in which sequence I need to import the file so that my local 
> data will not be inconsistence.

Those are not the dump files, you can find the dump files at [1].
We create those dump files on monthly basis, and the users can use the 
latest one as the starting point of synchronization.

The files under [2] are the changeset files, i.e. the diff files 
resulting from comparing the newly extracted triples with the existing ones.
Those files are the ones used for synchronization.
The sync tool [3], we have developed, continuously downloads those 
changeset files and use them to synchronize a DBpedia-Live mirror with 
the official live endpoint.

> Also for inserting data , if I will directly import this dump to 
> repository than it will create duplicate records rather than updating 
> records.I am under such impression that there is no function available 
> for bulk update/delete using the live update dump.
> Hence I am thinking to follow below approach.
> "Process the DBpedia update live dump line by line and insert/delete 
> it into/from database using  INSERT DATA or DELETE DATA queries."

The sync tool mainly works with Virtuoso [4], but since it's open source 
you can easily adapt it to work with Sesame if necessary.
You can find more information about DBpedia-Live at [5].

> Please correct me if I am wrong.
> -- 
> Regards
> Gaurav Pant
> +91-7709196607,+91-9405757794

[1] http://live.dbpedia.org/dumps/
[2] http://live.dbpedia.org/liveupdates
[3] http://sourceforge.net/projects/dbpintegrator/files/
[4] http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/
[5] http://wiki.dbpedia.org/DBpediaLive

Kind Regards
Mohamed Morsey
Department of Computer Science
University of Leipzig

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