
This should be of interest to many on this mailing list.

From my vantage point, the number of SQL RDBMS tables produced by this dump should go some way to shedding light on SQL RDBMS limitations in a world where observations change at an ever increasing rate .

Read on..

On 11/25/13 8:18 AM, Petar Ristoski wrote:

Dear all,

We are happy to announce the first version of the DBpedia as Tables tool [1].

As some of the potential users of DBpedia might not be familiar with the RDF data model and the SPARQL query language, with this tool we provide some of the core DBpedia 3.9 data in tabular form as Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) files, which can easily be processed using standard tools, such as spreadsheet applications, relational databases or data mining tools.

For each class in the DBpedia ontology (such as Person, Radio Station, Ice Hockey Player, or Band) we provide a single CSV file which contains all instances of this class. Each instance is described by its URI, an English label and a short abstract, the mapping-based infobox data describing the instance (extracted from the English edition of Wikipedia), and geo-coordinates (if applicable).

Altogether we provide 530 CSV files in the form of a single ZIP file (size 3 GB compressed and 73.4 GB uncompressed).

More information about the file format as well as the download link can be found on the DBpedia as Tables Wiki page [1].

Any feedback is welcome!

Best regards,

Petar and Chris



Petar Ristoski

Research Group Data and Web Science

University of Mannheim

Phone: +49 621 181 3705

B6, 26, Room C1.07

D-68131 Mannheim

Mail: <>




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