
After the great meeting we had last week in Amsterdam, I decided to burn
the midnight oil and to turn the German chapter live. It is online for
testing purposes, I'm considering of making it the default endpoint when
I'm sure about it's stability. You can access the live Sparql endpoint
under: http://de.dbpedia.org/live/sparql .

I would really appreciate if someone would spare the time and check if
the changes in the German Wikipedia actually get reflected in the live
version of the German chapter. I haven't been able to notice any errors
until now but I'm sure some issues will pop up if more people use it.

Beware (there be dragons), we have some known issues: the dbpedia
virtuoso plugin is kind of a hack. In the live version of the resource
pages are generated from the live data, but the links in the page will
still lead you too the old resource pages (you'll know what i mean if
you look at some resource pages). I'll fix this soon, I need to
recompile Virtuoso for every change i make in a vad package and it takes
forever. It would be really nice if the Dutch chapter would share their
new dbpedia_vad package, or if someone would tell me a more efficient
way to compile the virtuoso vad packages.


Alexandru Todor
Freie Universität Berlin
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute of Computer Science
Königin-Luise-Str. 24/26, room 116
14195 Berlin

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