Hi Alexandru,

+1 for the tutorial and the VM, very much appreciated.
I think the http://live.wikicode.dbpedia.org namespace fits fine.
Not sure how to request access to the wikipedia OAI-PMH proxy from the 
main chapter tough.


On 2/4/14, 2:38 AM, Alexandru Todor wrote:
> Hi,
> I've recently configured a live endpoint for the German chapter, but I
> don't really know which namespace to use.
> I'm currently using a http://de.dbpedia.org/live , a subfolder . DBpedia
> Live uses the live.dbpedia.org namespace, and the Dutch chapter scrapped
> the dumps and make the live extraction their main endpoint.
> Maybe we should have a naming convention regarding the way the local
> chapters name the live endpoints, maybe http://live.wikicode.dbpedia.org
> or do we just scrap the dumps . Also the way the resources in the live
> endpoints are named needs to be considered, do we keep the
> http://wikicode.dbpedia.org namespace or do we rename them in something
> else ?
> Another problem is dbpedia_dav.vad, it has issues in dealing with and
> endpoint that is in a subfolder of a domian (/live), I'm currently
> hacking at it but it's not going to be pretty.
> For the local chapter admins that are interested in hosting their own
> endpoint, I'll post a tutorial and a preconfigured VM in the next days.
> However, first you need to request access to the wikipedia OAI-PMH proxy
> from the main chapter.
> Cheers,
> Alexandru
> Alexandru Todor
> Freie Universität Berlin
> Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
> Institute of Computer Science
> Königin-Luise-Str. 24/26, room 116
> 14195 Berlin
> Germany
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