Hello all,

I stumpled across some inconsistencies regarding the extraction of GND identifiers. As you probably know, GND is a widely used authority database in German-speaking Europe, containing information about millions of entities [1]. It would be great if we could sparqle for GND IDs in dbpedia in order to match other GND-tagged data with dbpedia entities.

for instance check out:
there seem to be two GND entries in this record:
dbpedia-owl:individualisedGnd = 4649698-1
(this property was once derived from the discontinued PND authority database)
prop-de:gnd = 4649698 (xsd:integer)
(another GND-lookalike property but with the "-1" cut off, due to casting it as integer I guess.)

here is another record:
dbpprop:gnd = 118540238 (xsd:integer)
(third property, this time again as xsd:integer, but GND allows non-numeric characters to be part of a GND ID, for instance a "-" or "X". this example is correct but xsd:integer will fail on other ids containing non-numeric characters)

I just wanted to point out these things for the moment. It would be great if we could harmonize them sooner or later.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_Authority_File

Leander Seige
Universitaetsbibliothek Leipzig
Leiter IT-Abteilung
Projektkoordinator finc
Beethovenstraße 6
04107 Leipzig

fon: +49 (0)341 9730612
mail: se...@ub.uni-leipzig.de


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