
<@Dimitris, do you know if this is technically doable?>

And would it be possible to give some kind of estimate about the impact of what 
we would consider to be major changes? So would I, for instance, be very happy 
if we could move the whole branch of GovernmentAdministriation classes from 
being a subclass of Place to being a subclass of Agent. In principle, a class 
is just a tag about the type of collection a resource belongs to, however, 
maybe there would be major implications as to the domains and ranges of a lot 
of properties.


Van: Marco Fossati [hell.j....@gmail.com]
Verzonden: woensdag 26 maart 2014 11:13
Aan: dbpedia-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net
Onderwerp: Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] Odp: Re: Re: DBpedia ontology - predicate 

Hi guys,

On 3/25/14, 7:07 PM, Dimitris Kontokostas wrote:
> The workflow should be like this: 1) make your changes 2) provide the
> rational for the change in the talk page of the property / class, 3) if
> needed, discuss and coordinate efforts, 4) use the mailing list for very
> big changes.
I completely agree with this.
People can go ahead when dealing with minor changes e.g. labels.
On the other hand, I would adopt a Wikipedia-style protection policy [1]
to avoid under-the-hood major changes e.g. addition/deletion of
@Dimitris, do you know if this is technically doable?


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Protection_policy
Marco Fossati
Twitter: @hjfocs
Skype: hell_j

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