On 4/10/14 5:40 AM, apoh...@o2.pl wrote:

following the discussion regarding deficiencies of the DBpedia ontology, I would like to make you know that a team of collaborators sponsored by Structured Dynamics is working on classification of the Wikipedia articles into the Umbel [1] ontology. Yet another ontology, you may think, but Umbel is exceptional in the regard that it is entirely based on Cyc [2] - a more than 20-year effort of building an ontology large enough to capture entire common sense knowledge. We address many of the problems that are present both in Wikipedia and DBpedia, e.g. things like list and disambiguation pages, administrative categories in Wikipedia, compound categories in Wikipedia, etc.

The good news is that exactly this week we've produced the first "final" result of the classification, i.e. around 90% of the Wikipedia articles has a Umbel type (we use ~4k different types in the classification) assigned via a mapping between Wikipedia categories and Umbel types. I am writing in quotes, since that result still has to be validated and curated and we are probably not going to publish it just at the moment. Still, I expect some consumable results to be produced in May, so stay tuned.

What is more - regarding the problem of integrating the data from different data sources - I used Cyc, especially its conflict detection mechanism, in the past [3] to integrate classification results produced by various type assignment methods. For me it seems to be the best resource applicable in that problem, since besides the generalization relation, which is found in all the ontologies, most of the classes have disjointWith statements, even on a level of Cats and Dogs (i.e. individual species). As a result it is relatively easy to keep the data coherent.

Kind regards,

[1] http://umbel.org
[2] http://www.cyc.com/platform/opencyc
[3] http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-906/paper2.pdf

Yes, I am aware of UMBEL [1]. Great to see that its being brought up to date etc.. When will you have something published in RDF form?

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-lod/2008Sep/0071.html -- 2008 post about UMBEL.



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