On 9/11/14 5:58 PM, Jörn Hees wrote:

there are owl:sameAs triples like these in the http://dbpedia.org graph:

<http://data.nytimes.com/55761554936313344161> owl:sameAs 
<http://data.nytimes.com/55761554936313344161> owl:sameAs 


<http://data.nytimes.com/N84789043836346105961> owl:sameAs 
<http://data.nytimes.com/N84789043836346105961> owl:sameAs 


Needless to say that this is problematic if you do owl:sameAs reasoning...
Is this the right place to report things like that?
What can i do to help?


Good place to report these matters. Bottom line, the New York Times Linked Data is problematic. They should be using foaf:focus where they currently use owl:sameAs.

I know of fixed this in the last DBpedia instance, via SPARQL 1.1. forward-chaining. I guess I need to make time to repeat the fix.

DBpedia Team: we need to perform this step next time around, if the New York Times refuse to make this important correction.

Alternatively, you can make fix dump too. Either way, this is a problem that we should fix.


Kingsley Idehen 
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