Hi Ulrich,

Thanks for the observation, I didn't notice this issue. There is a bug in
the DBpedia-Vad that rewrites the URIs in some cases although it shouldn't
. You can use the output of the SPARQL endpoint directly and you won't get
this bug [1]. Also the links in the page for Microdata/Json and JSON-LD are
correct, just the things that the VAD caches under /data are wrong. I'll
look into how I can fix this issue.



On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Ulrich Leodolter <ulrich.leodol...@obvsg.at>

> hi,
> the following url returns json data containing
> internal url's which are not accessible.
> -------------------
> curl -s http://de.dbpedia.org/data/Ang_Lee.json | head -n 5
> {
>   "
> http://dbpedia.imp.fu-berlin.de:49156/resource/Internationale_Filmfestspiele_von_Cannes_1997";
> : { "http://dbpedia.org/ontology/wikiPageWikiLink"; : [ { "type" : "uri",
> "value" : "http://dbpedia.imp.fu-berlin.de:49156/resource/Ang_Lee"; } ] } ,
>   "
> http://dbpedia.imp.fu-berlin.de:49156/resource/Sinn_und_Sinnlichkeit_(1995)"
> : { "http://dbpedia.org/ontology/wikiPageWikiLink"; : [ { "type" : "uri",
> "value" : "http://dbpedia.imp.fu-berlin.de:49156/resource/Ang_Lee"; } ] ,
>     "http://dbpedia.imp.fu-berlin.de:49156/property/reg"; : [ { "type" :
> "uri", "value" : "http://dbpedia.imp.fu-berlin.de:49156/resource/Ang_Lee";
> } ] ,
>     "http://dbpedia.org/ontology/director"; : [ { "type" : "uri", "value"
> : "http://dbpedia.imp.fu-berlin.de:49156/resource/Ang_Lee"; } ] } ,
> -------------------
> i seems this is a bug and resource uri should look like
> http://de.dbpedia.org/resource/...
> best regards
> ulrich
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