
I'm observing a strange ( ?) behaviour on the dbpedia Sparql-endpoint, and I 
wonder whether this is due to the underlying data or to the Sparql-endpoint 
itself (virtuouso). Following the dumps of dbpedia 2014, the data seems OK 

The query
select distinct * {
  dbpedia:Cicero <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/birthDate> ?o

Returns -043-12-07  (7th of July 43 BC) which is what I expected. However

select distinct * {
  ?s <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/birthDate> ?o
   filter(?o < "-43-01-01"^^xsd:date)
} limit 100

List all sorts of things (mainly persons though, but none with a birthdate 
before 43 BC). Browsing the dbpedia dumps I found several person born before 43 
Does anybody know where this error comes from ?

Best regards


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