Dear all community 

I'm writing because I think I have a problem with the extraction of the sameAs 
triples (Interchapter), 
I have few sameAs triple, for example I have no sameAs for the capital of 
France : Paris. 

So I think that the problem could be when I try to extract the wikidata-SameAs 
Because during the extraction many many warning about JSON and other appeared. 
With the most recent wikidata dump I have no sameAs generated, only the January 
dump generate something. 

I put a picture of that here for you (for example) : 

For this I use the dbpedia extraction framework from de 10th april 2015 and the 
wikidata-20150330 dump this the command line : 
../clean-install-run extraction (in dump 
Nothing is generated without empty files. 
RedirectFinder Warning : 

Json warning : 

Have you this kind of warning ? 

For information I use the dbpedia extraction framework from de 10th april 2015 
and the wikidata-20150330 dump. 

This is a realy big problem me, this will be great if you have an idea of the 
problem's origin. 
And s hould I do something else later to get the interlanguage links ? 

Thanks in advance 
With regards 

Raphael Boyer 
Inria, France 
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