Hi Raphael,
1. Regarding the angular.js errors, I don't know where they come from. I'm
using the 2.0 version on the German endpoint but it's already a couple of
months old, I guess you are using a newer one. Try out an older version of
the plugin is the only idea I have.
2. Same here, something is wrong with the encoding in the plugin. I'll
report back in a couple of weeks when I update the German endpoint, I'll
probably stumble upon the same bugs.
3. Last year the guys from Mannheim cleaned the abstracts before committing
them, try following this guide [1] and see if it solves your problem.
On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 5:28 PM, Raphael Boyer <raphael.bo...@inria.fr>
> Dear all community,
> It's me again.
> I have 3 questions, so I put it all in this mail.
> Sorry for that...
> My first question is about the second version of the DBpedia plugin for
> virtuoso (2.0.0).
> In the new interface, the abstracts and comment (short abstract) are not
> shown and I have many AngularJs Error into the JS console.
> But all the data are shown in the old version of the plugin.
> Some pictures for example :
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52449562/dbpedia/snapshot_PluginDbpedia_1.png
> <https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52449562/dbpedia/snapshot_PluginDbpedia_2.png>
> <https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52449562/dbpedia/snapshot_PluginDbpedia_2.png>
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52449562/dbpedia/snapshot_PluginDbpedia_2.png
> My second question is again about the DBpedia plugin for virtuoso, but the
> part of the old version.
> For the french language I have encounter an encoding problem, like ' é '
> replace by ' é '.
> (Only in the little description of the top of the subject)
> So I have more or less solved the problem by adding a Javascript line,
> into the statics/script.js file of the plugin.
> At the end of the init_long_literals function, I have add it :
> $("#content > p").html(decodeURIComponent(escape($("#content >
> p").text())));
> I just want to know, if you have encounter the problem, and if you have
> another solution ?
> And my third question :
> This is about my abstract's extraction, in many of my triples I can find
> something like that:
> (Example of the end of the Paris's abstract)
> L'Île-de-France a un PIB en parité de pouvoir d'achat de 558 330 millions
> d'euros en 2008 contre 328 322 pour la Lombardie et 266 982 pour la région
> de Londres.↑ « PIB régionaux par habitant en 2007 », sur site d'EuroStat,
> 18 février 2010 (consulté le 30 juillet 2010)."@fr
> You can see a part with always the symbol ↑ before, I don't think it have
> to be here.
> So I can cut it easily with a script but don't think that it's a good idea.
> I think it could be come from a missing extension in my mediawiki.
> A picture with my mediawiki extention list :
> <https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52449562/dbpedia/snapshot_MediawikiList.png>
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52449562/dbpedia/snapshot_MediawikiList.png
> Have you an idea for a solution of that ?
> And finaly not a question but a little script that I want to share.
> It's not percfect, and it's not very optimised, but if it can be useful,
> you can found it in attachement.
> It's a little node.js script that permit to merge the abstract of others
> languages in one instance of DBpedia, by using the sameAs links.
> (only for ttl files)
> Thanks in advance
> With regards
> Raphael Boyer
> INRIA France
> A MIME attachment of type <application/javascript> was removed here
> by a drop-attachments-by-name filter rule on the host <
> mail2-relais-roc.national.inria.fr>.
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