Dear all community,
It's me again.
I have 3 questions, so I put it all in this mail.
Sorry for that...
My first question is about the second version of the DBpedia plugin for
virtuoso (2.0.0).
In the new interface, the abstracts and comment (short abstract) are not shown
and I have many AngularJs Error into the JS console.
But all the data are shown in the old version of the plugin.
Some pictures for example :
My second question is again about the DBpedia plugin for virtuoso, but the part
of the old version.
For the french language I have encounter an encoding problem, like ' é '
replace by ' é '.
(Only in the little description of the top of the subject)
So I have more or less solved the problem by adding a Javascript line, into the
statics/script.js file of the plugin.
At the end of the init_long_literals function, I have add it :
$("#content > p").html(decodeURIComponent(escape($("#content > p").text())));
I just want to know, if you have encounter the problem, and if you have another
solution ?
And my third question :
This is about my abstract's extraction, in many of my triples I can find
something like that:
(Example of the end of the Paris's abstract)
L'Île-de-France a un PIB en parité de pouvoir d'achat de 558 330 millions
d'euros en 2008 contre 328 322 pour la Lombardie et 266 982 pour la région de
Londres.↑ « PIB régionaux par habitant en 2007 », sur site d'EuroStat, 18
février 2010 (consulté le 30 juillet 2010)."@fr
You can see a part with always the symbol ↑ before, I don't think it have to be
So I can cut it easily with a script but don't think that it's a good idea.
I think it could be come from a missing extension in my mediawiki.
A picture with my mediawiki extention list :
Have you an idea for a solution of that ?
And finaly not a question but a little script that I want to share.
It's not percfect, and it's not very optimised, but if it can be useful, you
can found it in attachement.
It's a little node.js script that permit to merge the abstract of others
languages in one instance of DBpedia, by using the sameAs links.
(only for ttl files)
Thanks in advance
With regards
Raphael Boyer
INRIA France
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